
From the scatter plots, it is possible to obtain orthoplans; these consist in projecting the scatter plot or a determined portion on any given plan of space. This type of medium can be calculated at the wanted scale and constitutes a “picture” file that will serve as background in a design software such as Autocad. It is also possible to calculate images by colourizing pixels depending on their distance from the cross-section plan.

  • image-1
  • image-1
  • image-1
Nave of the Fribourg cathedral: the colourization helps highlight the different depths of field
  • image-2
  • image-2
  • image-2
Orthoplans of the vaulting of Fribourg Cathedral
  • image-3
  • image-3
Orthoplans of a farm: the colourization helps highlight the different depths of field
  • image-4
  • image-4
  • image-5
  • image-5